Thursday, October 17, 2013

J. Sonick - Multimodal Project - A Burning Issue

I have never consistently thought anything for such a long time ever before in my entire existence.  That is probably because I never truly cared about anything or anyone.  But now I feel numb to all emotions excluding a depth of sadness and despair.  I guess what I am saying is that I wasn’t even aware that I had a heart until I realized that it was broken.
He is the last thought I have before laying down at night and my first thought when I wake up in the morning.  In between, I dream of what I could’ve done differently and how I could have changed things so that he would be mine again. Before I open my eyes to find an empty bed and a hollow heart, that I sometimes wish wasn’t beating at all, I see his face: his blonde curly bun, his ten extra pounds of weight and the look he used to give me that made me fully feel like I was special.  I’m looking into his blue eyes and I see my own reflection; an image of my own true happiness and I know that I am in love.  I love the zits on his shoulders and the lack of appreciation for music that he’ll never be able to grasp.  I love the way he smiles when he is juggling a soccer ball and I love that he never comprehends my point of view.  I love that he loves me and I love that I love him too.
But then I remember: that he doesn’t.
My eyes open and I am up too early yet again.  I am cold.  I am alone.  I feel my nose start to crinkle and the tears slowly but surely begin to form a pool below my esophagus.  I can’t breath.  I cannot breath because I realize that I not only do not have him but that he hates me.  I disgust him and he will never be a part of my life again.  I don’t know if the emptiness hurts more than the realization that the defining factor of my life for the last year will never again be a part of me.  He is a stranger that I probably won’t ever get to see touch, smell, kiss or hold again; one might advise me to be hopeful, but I know that he is gone and he won’t be coming back.
I love him and he hates me.
I begin to realize that I sound like one of those stereotypical sorority girls whose Kappa Sigma meathead from southern California dumped them at some variation of lame formal.  I’ve always prided myself on being independent and raw with a touch of anti-romance and extreme judgment for those in love.  I’ve always pitied those who were stupid enough to actually believe in it.  And now I know that I sound like that pathetic girl that I’ve always been disgusted with, who doesn’t understand that life goes on and is being overly dramatic because he is just ‘some guy’.  But he is not ‘some guy’, his name is Peter and I am not anybody without him.
The clothes that I still have of his don’t smell like him anymore and it starts to feel like it was all a dream while reality has now become the nightmare.  Why can’t I remember his smell?  His scent would remind me that it was real and it was better to have had him once than to have never had him at all.  At least I felt something.  But now all I feel is pain and sadness being driven by my own self-hatred.  I am completely consumed by this feeling that I will never again feel alive but merely a walking and talking corpse waiting in line for the gates of hell.
Why did he have to go through my phone when I was asleep?  And then bully me into opening my Facebook for him?  Yes, I may have lied and I may have manipulated him but it was only to protect him and to protect myself and the other parts of my life that I value so much.  He caught one lie after the next and couldn’t grasp the idea of someone lying without cheating all in the same.  Why can’t he see that I am not a cheater?  I have never cheated.  I am not a cheater.  Break my heart for lying but don’t be thoroughly convinced that it needs to end because I am just yet another girl who has cheated on you.  He pushed me and he shoved me as I pleaded for him to listen but I knew he wouldn’t.  I walked home in the rain at one in the morning and I tried to comprehend how my word could mean so little; I didn’t know whether to feel violated or more concerned over whether or not he would still feel the same in the morning.  I tried to convince myself that he would realize that I am who he thought I was before that lies unfolded and that he would love me more than his own ego; but he didn’t.
Now, I sit in class merely waiting for the next image of his face the last time I saw him to flash into my mind: full of disgust, anger, and betrayal.  I see myself sobbing in the reflection of his own overflowing eyes and I knew, just as I know now, that it is over and always will be.  I begin to cry again, in my Duane 90-minute lecture but nobody even notices.  Why do I even bother hiding it behind my laptop and my soaked flannel sleeves?  Nobody around me cares anymore than he ever will.  And even if someone did, it wouldn’t matter because nobody could possibly look at me the way he used to; he saw me for the potential that I possessed and the honesty he thought I had but I clearly proved him wrong.
If I could change anything it would be the way he thinks of me now.  I think that I could deal with the loneliness and the idea of a future without him but knowing that he is out there somewhere thoroughly believing that I am a monster is what fuels my heartache.  The once confident and strong girl I used to see every morning in the mirror now looks pale and weak.  I don’t know who I am staring at anymore and better yet, I don’t care who she is because he doesn’t care who she is.  So maybe when you see me as some stupid, heartbroken, naïve girl, you are right and you are justified.  If I’m going to be worthless in his eyes, and in my own, then everyone else should see that too.

Apparently, I am nothing, just ask Peter.

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